Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Recent Market Volatility And Your Investment Savings


This morning my wife Marlena asked me if we should be worried about the recent stock market activity that’s all over the news these past few days.

I reassured her that the vast majority of our retirement savings were carefully placed in products that offer guarantees that keep them immune to market swings.

When speaking with clients for the first time to determine the most appropriate choices for their own investment needs, my goal is also protect your own hard-earned savings against the effects of these negative market events.

As my client, you learn that it’s important to establish a stable savings portfolio following sound practices such as having a proper asset mix of stocks and bonds based on your risk tolerance. Some financial institutions call this balanced approach ‘safe investing’.  Our work goes further, offering you more advanced and sophisticated levels of protection. 

For example, choosing investments that historically have been able to recover very quickly from market downturns can often be critically important during both your savings and income years. Additionally, I am constantly monitoring your investments to ensure they continue to perform as anticipated, and always looking for new or better solutions that might fit your specific needs and keep your savings safe so you can use them when you need them.

Events such as the current market downturn can’t be predicted, but I offer all of my clients even more ways to protect their savings. Often that comes by choosing insured investment products that can provide a 100% guaranteed benefits on your capital, guarantees on savings growth, and/or contractual guarantees to provide you with an income for life that rides out these volatile markets.

Marlena was comforted when I reminded her that our own savings are 100% guaranteed and our income is contractually guaranteed for life.

Please feel free to contact me anytime if you have any questions or concerns about your current investment savings. If you know of anyone else who can benefit from this worry-free approach to their investments, I invite you to share my contact information with them.

Best Regards


Jack Bergmans 
Certified Financial Planner/ Founding Partner Life Insurance & Estate Consultant
Bequest Insurance
Phone: (416) 356-4511
Toll free: (888) 708-3134 Ext. 2